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What is the Best Wood for Timber Framing Projects?
We’re often asked, “What is the best wood for timber framing?” Although it’s estimated that 60% of timber frames in North America are built from Douglas fir, there are other timber frame wood species that may work as well, or…
Timber Framers Guild Community Building Project
https://vimeo.com/222923099 Once or twice a year, something extraordinary happens. The Timber Framers Guild partners with a local non-profit or community to build a timber frame. Timber framers and volunteers come together to help raise the frame, the local community feeds…
Reclaimed Wood Timber Frame in New York’s Finger Lakes Region
Guaranteed way to beat the heat this summer: Spend 3 minutes following our crew as they build structural timber frame trusses from reclaimed wood in our North Carolina shop, and then erect them on the shore of one of the…
Crane Day: Watch a Timber Frame Raised in 1 Day!
Crane Day: It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It’s the culmination of months of design, engineering, off-site fabrication in our shop, a lot of hard work, and skillful execution. https://vimeo.com/132438810
Timber Traditions: Our Industry Customs
Timber framing has been around, in some form or another, for over 2,000 years. So it stands to reason, some interesting timber framing traditions and customs have sprung up in connection with timber frame construction. We thought we’d share some of…
Why Do Timbers Split and Crack?
Eric Morley on why timbers split and crack, how long it takes timber to dry, where to get dry timbers, and why gunshots in the night are nothing to be afraid of when you understand wood checking and splitting. Wood…
How to Figure Out a Timber Frame Budget
Champagne timber framing on a (craft) beer budget After receiving the latest Carolina Timberworks newsletter, a potential client emailed a great question: “Can you show a recent home for a customer on a 300k budget, else this stuff is non-realistic to normal…
The Benefits of Timber Framing
When you design a new home or modify your existing space, deciding on a building method is one of the first—and most important—choices you’ll have to make. If you’d rather avoid the standardized look of conventional construction, then the handcrafted…
Timber Frame Treehouse
Search for “problems with tree houses” and Google will serve up 37,100,000 results: it’s impossible not to harm the trees, trees grow over time, trees die, there aren’t the right trees where you’d really like to have a tree house… Our…
Build a Party Barn!
A timber frame barn can be much more than a space for animals or equipment storage. Thanks to their honest aesthetic and open space, these structures are gaining popularity as party barns and entertainment venues. What Are Timber Frame Party…
Nature’s Carbon Fiber: Wood in a Renovo Badash 29er
Two of the Prettiest Oak Trees on the Blue Ridge Parkway…and the Carolina Timberworks Renovo Badash 29er Carbon Fiber Wood Bike Most people stop for a closer look when they see our wooden mountain bike, and have questions. “Is it…
Differences Between Decorative and Structural Timber Framing
A homeowner building in the Outer Banks emailed a great question this week: “I was wondering if people typically use your trusses as structural members or just as decorative members attached to the existing frame structure?” We build and install…