No one truly needs a timber frame.
Just like no one needs a meticulously crafted Swiss mechanical watch when a digital one keeps better time. Or an original Van Gogh, when a print would suffice to decorate a wall.
The practicality of timber frame and post and beam construction isn’t the primary appeal. Timber framing is an architectural solution to a structural problem.

Unlike conventional homes that tuck their structure away behind walls and ceilings, timber frame homes are not about finding the most economical solution. Instead, timber frame homes wear their structure with pride. It’s about showcasing the home’s essence, its sturdy authentic skeleton that resolutely withstands the elements and the relentless march of time.
The primary appeal of timber framing lies in the aesthetics and the unique living experience these structures provide. In the realm of luxury custom homes, timber framing stands apart.

Join us on a visual journey through a selection of timber frame homes, both full frame and hybrid, that we’ve had the privilege of helping create over the past two decades.
Got a question about how we work or want to discuss a potential project with us? We work in North Carolina and throughout the United States. Don’t hesitate to fill out the form below. Or, if you prefer the human touch, give us a ring at 828-266-9663. We promise, we’re a friendly bunch!
Want to talk timber framing?
Call us at 828-266-9663 (we’re nice!) or email below: