Timber frame entryways are much more than just entrance areas. They offer a warm welcome to your home.
To some, an entryway may seem like a minor detail. Christopher Alexander’s classic “A Pattern Language” suggests otherwise. He posits that “placing the main entrance is perhaps the single most important step you take during the evolution of a building plan” and advises that “the entrance must be placed in such a way that people who approach the building see the entrance…as soon as they see the building itself.” We’d add that timber frame entryways, in addition to providing practical benefits (directing visitors to the front door, shelter from the elements) also provide a subtle suggestion of what to expect upon entering the building.
On the one hand, simple entryways can be incredibly appealing. Think Western Red Cedar brackets supporting a small shed roof over the front door or Douglas Fir timber frame trusses and posts framing a small, but welcoming, front porch.
On the other hand, larger and more elaborate entryways can make a beautiful home look even more striking. Think covered walkways, enough space for rocking chairs, or a spacious timber frame porte cochère.
Whether traditional or contemporary, simple or elaborate, a thoughtfully designed timber frame entry can enhance your home’s appearance and function.
Our Work
A collection of our favorite timber frame entrances. Learn more about our timber frame projects for places we live.

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