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What Is Sustainability?
Interviewing a Timber Frame Company
Timber Frame Trusses Guide
Why Do Timbers Split and Crack?
Is Timber Framing Sustainable?
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Timber Frame FAQ
Timber framing is a specialized form of post and beam construction where timbers are connected using traditional wood-to-wood joinery. A more detailed explanation is here: https://www.carolinatimberworks.com/whats-the-difference-post-and-beam-and-timber-frame-construction/
The short answer? It depends. Here, in one place, is a step-by-step explanation of how to select a timber specie from the most common woods used in timber frames: https://www.carolinatimberworks.com/best-wood-timber-framing/
A structural timber frame bears the load of gravity pulling the house down and the winds trying to push the house over. A decorative timber frame, on the other hand, is non weight bearing and only holds up its own weight. Follow this link for more information, including the pros and cons of each.
One way to fit timber framing into the budget is to consider hybrid timber framing—i.e. timber frame only certain parts of the house as opposed to timber framing the entire home. You might consider identifying an area or two within your plan which you might like to timber frame (for example the front entry and living room), and then establish a budget. Then, give us a call and we’ll do our best to come up with something great that fits your budget.
After receiving our email newsletter, a prospective customer emailed a great question: “Can you show a recent home for a customer on a 300k budget, else this stuff is non-realistic to normal non-millionaire folks.” See our answer (and what factors determine how much your timber frame will cost).
We think that timber trusses provide most of the visual impact of a full timber frame, but at lower cost. Here are a number of available styles with some great tidbits of information about each type of truss.
Currently, the average length of time between when you place a new order for a timber frame and when it is ready to ship, is 14-16 weeks. Depending on a number of factors, lead times can increase or decrease. When we experience increased demand, our lead times increase as a function of the number of orders we receive. Periodically we make modifications to our staffing and processes in order to reduce lead times. To maintain quality, we have to keep production relatively small. As a result, at times, we experience demand that exceeds the limits of our production capacity.